Monday, November 2, 2009

Good God Man!

This is the Mr. V quote of the day.

Greetings from Latin class. We are sitting here on the dark side, and the virtuous one is grading papers with a menacing look about him. Clearly, he hates all of us, immensely. More than likely, he is writing each and every one of us up, probably for breathing...except for Timmy and Andy. He has written two people up today, low for his usual quota. Today we finished watching Troy, AGAIN.

Gallos Caesar in triumphum ducit - idem in Curiam; Galli bracas deposuerunt, latum clavum sumpserunt.

We have no idea what this means, by the way....


Latin-age Four-age xoxox


  1. i made my mom a follower hehe just so you dont think some random lady is obsessed with mr v

  2. Mr. Graham here checking in with the twitter Latin group - what's upppppp you Latin scholars and how is your most virtuous teacher teacher handling his most recent honor in his power lifting age class. He deserves a lot of credit for his effort both as a Latin scholar and power lifting guru. Kudos Mr. V. - you really do embrace humanity.
